Colorful Waves of Foam

The people give you an idea of how big this is.  Looks like it washed up on a shore from Dr. Seuss.

The people give you an idea of how big this is. Looks like it washed up on a shore from Dr. Seuss.

Waves of Color

Waves of Color

Isn’t this cool?  Big pieces of foam coiling and uncoiling, spray painted with wild abandon.  I saw this at the Kunsthaus modern art museum in Graz (See the portholes?  Check out the museum).

I loved the exhibit.  And then I read the pamphlet.  Talk about a whole lot of words to say nothing.  This WTF pamphlet inspired an open letter, which you can read here (including text from this craptastic description of the art).

Exhibit Artist:  Katharina Grosse
Exhibit Name:  “Who, I?  Whom, you?”

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